
The complex of vertebral subluxation means:

The presence of a disturbance of the mechanics of certain vertebrae of the spine, which disrupts neurological processes.

Vertebral subluxation is a condition where two adjacent vertebrae for different reasons become misaligned, static, blocked, or restricted in motion. This causes inflammation, temporary at first, but becomes chronic over time. Finally, this subluxation irritates and prevents the retransmission of nerve signals from the nerve affected at this vertebral level.

When a nerve is irritated or pinched, there is reduction or interference of the flow in this nerve. Vertebral subluxation reduces the normal circulation of the nerve signal between your brain and the organs in your body. If the orders from the brain are not 100%, clear this eventually results in symptoms in the parts of the body that receive information through this nerve that no longer function normally.A pinched nerve reduces communication in the other direction too. So your brain receives less information from your organs, it has less data to handle the situation. 


The symptoms can be as simple as a pain a burn, or numbness. Or they can be more complicated, causing dysfunctions, and health problems:
And that’s where the chiropractor comes in. Its treatment reduces and/or eliminates (when possible) the subluxations. This is done using various techniques called adjustments.Subluxation is a reversible functional disturbance by eliminating subluxations, the chiropractor removes a major cause of the problem, the pinched nerve.

The cause of subluxations:

Vertebral subluxations can be caused by something as natural as childbirth (the baby is pulled by the head, which causes a neck injury), but most usually and likely by a fall, repetitive movements at work or trauma related to sport. Also by any factor which causes a structural imbalance of the spine, like a deviation of the pelvis, a scoliosis, a short leg etc.But usually it’s an accident, a bad chronic posture, and especially repetitive movements that are the cause. Stress is also a trigger.

The main phases of vertebral subluxation:

It is generally agreed that the vertebral degeneration that accompanies vertebral subluxation develops into 3 main phases. X-rays are used to classify subluxations.
If your case is less than a 1.5 phase a complete correction is possible if your situation is between 1.5 and 2.5 then improvement is possible.Act quickly, consult your chiropractor.

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