
The general principle of Chiropractic science:

“Chiropractic is based on the recognized principle that the relationship between the structure of the human body and its function has a significant influence on health in general. It also results that the influence of the relationship between the spinal column and the nervous system is of paramount importance, since the normal transmission and expression of nerve energy is essential for the recovery and maintenance of the nervous system. health. ”

In Quebec, section 6 of the Chiropractic Act defines the practice in the following terms:

“The practice of chiropractic is any act to practice correction of the spine, bones of the pelvis and other joints of the human body with the help of the hands. “

As a result and considering the above principles, chiropractic is both a science and an art that utilizes the inherent natural powers of recovery inherent in the organism and the relationship that exists between the musculoskeletal system and the functions of the organism. in particular, that of the spine and the nervous system, with a view to ensuring the recovery and maintenance of health.

The role of the chiropractor is to give the person all the tools they need to reach their full health potential. More specifically, he emphasizes the relationship between the structure (mainly the spine) and the function as coordinated by the nervous system.

The chiropractor will focus on the biomechanics and proper functioning of the spine and all joints to eliminate irritation of the nervous system. To do this, he will mainly use chiropractic adjustments, a particular form of joint manipulation.

The benefits of chiropractic care are well documented from a scientific point of view for many conditions, including lower back pain, sciatica pain, headache (headache), migraines, and neck pain (neck).

Here are some examples of studies proving these benefits (see below for more information on the different types of studies mentioned): 

Lower back pain:

A meta-analysis reports that vertebral manipulation treatments (chiropractic adjustments) are more effective than comparable treatments in low back pain cases:
Systematic reviews of the literature show that vertebral manipulation treatments (chiropractic adjustments) are as, if not more effective than conventional medical treatments (anti-inflammatory, analgesic), rest, massage therapy or physiotherapy to relieve acute low back pain. or chronicles:
A double-blind randomized clinical trial demonstrates that chiropractic adjustments are superior to muscle relaxants in relieving low back pain:

Sciatic pain:

A recent cohort study found that patients with acute lower back pain and sciatic nerve pain returned to work more quickly when treated with chiropractic than when they received conventional medical treatment:

A randomized, double-blind clinical trial demonstrates the effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments in patients with acute low back pain and sciatic pain caused by disc protrusion:

Headache (headache):

Systematic reviews of the literature report that cervical vertebrae manipulations (chiropractic adjustments) are not only effective in the treatment of migraines and headaches of short and long-term cervical origin, but also that these treatments are safe and effective. associated with few serious side effects:

Cervical pain:

Systematic reviews of the literature report that cervical vertebrae manipulations (chiropractic adjustments) provide relief from neck pain and that this type of treatment is superior to conventional medical treatme

Recent randomized clinical trials promote the use of vertebral manipulations (chiropractic adjustments) in the treatment of acute and chronic neck pain, reducing both pain and functional disability:

Research in chiropractic sciences

The effervescence of basic research in chiropractic sciences now allows the chiropractic profession a better understanding of the neurophysiological mechanisms that favor the use of vertebral manipulations (chiropractic adjustments) in the treatment of various visceral conditions such as asthma, ear infections, gastrointestinal disorders, etc.

It is from this deep knowledge in basic research that the chiropractic scientific community will be able to conduct sound clinical studies from a methodological point of view, in order to determine in particular which types of patients will be the most important. able to benefit from chiropractic care for these specific conditions.
All this research in chiropractic sciences provides an undeniable advantage for the health of the Quebec population!

Many chairs and chiropractic research programs at several Canadian universities are driving the scientific advancement of our profession1. The creation of the Chair of Research in Chiropractic at the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières (UQTR) in 2006, and the inauguration of the 2009 McGill University Chiropractic, Epidemiology and Rehabilitation Research Program, are concrete examples that will make the importance and repercussions of chiropractic research even more visible to the people of Quebec and the world.

The Québec government recognizes the contribution of chiropractic research to the Quebec population, as demonstrated by the conclusion in 2009 of a partnership between the Fonds de recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ), the Ordre chiropractors from Quebec and the Quebec Chiropractic Research Foundation (FRCQ). Thanks to this agreement, chiropractic research will be able to benefit from the financial contribution of the Government of Quebec over the next three years (2010-2013).

1 For details on chiropractic research chairs and research programs, please visit Accessed November 23, 2009.
You can consult the list of publications of the UQTR Chair in Chiropractic Research at the following address: 

To better understand the different types of studies:


Statistical analysis process gathering the results of a series of comparable and independent studies on a given problem. The meta-analysis allows for a more in-depth analysis of the data because of the increase in the number of cases studied, resulting in a stronger overall conclusion than is possible in the individual studies. This approach is widely used for the global interpretation of sometimes contradictory clinical studies.

Systematic review:

The rigorous scientific approach of critical review of the literature. This process consists of several steps:

Clinical test :

A scientific study intended mainly for evaluating the safety and / or efficacy of a diagnostic method or a treatment. The scientific quality of clinical trials depends on a rigorous and proven methodology to avoid biases and errors in the collection or interpretation of results. Randomized: The (random) distribution between the experimental group and the control or control group is performed in a way that gives everyone an equal chance of ending up in one or other of the groups.
Double-blind: The subject does not know if he is in the control group or the experimental group while the experimenter does not know which group the subject belongs to.

Cohort study:

A generally projected future observational study in which two groups (cohorts) of subjects are compared: either a group exposed to a particular risk factor or treatment and another unexposed group. This type of study generally aims to establish an association between the occurrence of a phenomenon present at the time of the study and exposure to the risk factor or treatment of interest. With the passage of time, the changes that occur in subjects of both groups are observed.

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